3.3.2. Application DefinitionsΒΆ
A description of each NeXus application definition is given. NeXus application definitions define the minimum set of terms that must be used in an instance of that class. Application definitions also may define terms that are optional in the NeXus data file. The definition, in this case, reserves the exact term by declaring its spelling and description. Consider an application definition as a contract between a data provider (such as the beam line control system) and a data consumer (such as a data analysis program for a scientific technique) that describes the information is certain to be available in a data file.
Use NeXus links liberally in data files to reduce duplication of data. In application definitions involving raw data, write the raw data in the NXinstrument tree and then link to it from the location(s) defined in the relevant application definition.
- NXarchive
This is a definition for data to be archived by ICAT (http://www.icatproject.org/).
- NXarpes
This is an application definition for angular resolved photo electron spectroscopy.
- NXcanSAS
Implementation of the canSAS standard to store reduced small-angle scattering data of any dimension.
- NXdirecttof
This is a application definition for raw data from a direct geometry TOF spectrometer
- NXfluo
This is an application definition for raw data from an X-ray fluorescence experiment
- NXindirecttof
This is a application definition for raw data from a direct geometry TOF spectrometer
- NXiqproc
Application definition for any \(I(Q)\) data.
- NXlauetof
This is the application definition for a TOF laue diffractometer
- NXmonopd
Monochromatic Neutron and X-Ray Powder diffractometer
- NXmx
functional application definition for macromolecular crystallography
- NXrefscan
This is an application definition for a monochromatic scanning reflectometer.
- NXreftof
This is an application definition for raw data from a TOF reflectometer.
- NXsas
Raw, monochromatic 2-D SAS data with an area detector.
- NXsastof
raw, 2-D SAS data with an area detector with a time-of-flight source
- NXscan
Application definition for a generic scan instrument.
- NXspe
NXSPE Inelastic Format. Application definition for NXSPE file format.
- NXsqom
This is the application definition for S(Q,OM) processed data.
- NXstxm
Application definition for a STXM instrument.
- NXtas
This is an application definition for a triple axis spectrometer.
- NXtofnpd
This is a application definition for raw data from a TOF neutron powder diffractometer
- NXtofraw
This is an application definition for raw data from a generic TOF instrument
- NXtofsingle
This is a application definition for raw data from a generic TOF instrument
- NXtomo
This is the application definition for x-ray or neutron tomography raw data.
- NXtomophase
This is the application definition for x-ray or neutron tomography raw data with phase contrast variation at each point.
- NXtomoproc
This is an application definition for the final result of a tomography experiment: a 3D construction of some volume of physical properties.
- NXxas
This is an application definition for raw data from an X-ray absorption spectroscopy experiment.
- NXxas_new
This is an application definition for X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
- NXxasproc
Processed data from XAS. This is energy versus I(incoming)/I(absorbed).
- NXxbase
This definition covers the common parts of all monochromatic single crystal raw data application definitions.
- NXxeuler
raw data from a four-circle diffractometer with an eulerian cradle, extends NXxbase
- NXxkappa
raw data from a kappa geometry (CAD4) single crystal diffractometer, extends NXxbase
- NXxlaue
raw data from a single crystal laue camera, extends NXxrot
- NXxlaueplate
raw data from a single crystal Laue camera, extends NXxlaue
- NXxnb
raw data from a single crystal diffractometer, extends NXxbase
- NXxrot
raw data from a rotation camera, extends NXxbase