3.3.1. Base Class Definitions¶
A description of each NeXus base class definition is given. NeXus base class definitions define the set of terms that might be used in an instance of that class. Consider the base classes as a set of components that are used to construct a data file.
- NXaperture
A beamline aperture.
- NXattenuator
A device that reduces the intensity of a beam by attenuation.
- NXbeam
Properties of the neutron or X-ray beam at a given location.
- NXbeam_stop
A device that blocks the beam completely, usually to protect a detector.
- NXbending_magnet
A bending magnet
- NXcapillary
A capillary lens to focus the X-ray beam.
- NXcite
A literature reference
- NXcollection
An unvalidated set of terms, such as the description of a beam line.
- NXcollimator
A beamline collimator.
- NXcrystal
A crystal monochromator or analyzer.
- NXcylindrical_geometry
Geometry description for cylindrical shapes.
- NXdata
The NXdata class is designed to encapsulate all the information required for a set of data to be plotted.
- NXdetector
A detector, detector bank, or multidetector.
- NXdetector_channel
Description and metadata for a single channel from a multi-channel detector.
- NXdetector_group
Logical grouping of detectors. When used, describes a group of detectors.
- NXdetector_module
Geometry and logical description of a detector module. When used, child group to NXdetector.
- NXdisk_chopper
A device blocking the beam in a temporal periodic pattern.
- NXedge
Absorption edge
- NXelement
Definition of a chemical element.
- NXemission_lines
Emission lines
- NXentry
(required) NXentry describes the measurement.
- NXenvironment
Parameters for controlling external conditions
- NXevent_data
NXevent_data is a special group for storing data from neutron
- NXfermi_chopper
A Fermi chopper, possibly with curved slits.
- NXfilter
For band pass beam filters.
- NXflipper
A spin flipper.
- NXfresnel_zone_plate
A fresnel zone plate
- NXgeometry
legacy class - recommend to use NXtransformations now
- NXgrating
A diffraction grating, as could be used in a soft X-ray monochromator
- NXguide
A neutron optical element to direct the path of the beam.
- NXinsertion_device
An insertion device, as used in a synchrotron light source.
- NXinstrument
Collection of the components of the instrument or beamline.
- NXlog
Information recorded as a function of time.
- NXmirror
A beamline mirror or supermirror.
- NXmoderator
A neutron moderator
- NXmonitor
A monitor of incident beam data.
- NXmonochromator
A wavelength defining device.
- NXnote
Any additional freeform information not covered by the other base classes.
- NXobject
This is the base object of NeXus
- NXoff_geometry
Geometry (shape) description.
- NXorientation
legacy class - recommend to use NXtransformations now
- NXparameters
Container for parameters, usually used in processing or analysis.
- NXpdb
A NeXus transliteration of a PDB file, to be validated only as a PDB
- NXpinhole
A simple pinhole.
- NXpolarizer
A spin polarizer.
- NXpositioner
A generic positioner such as a motor or piezo-electric transducer.
- NXprocess
Document an event of data processing, reconstruction, or analysis for this data.
- NXreflections
Reflection data from diffraction experiments
- NXroot
Definition of the root NeXus group.
- NXsample
Any information on the sample.
- NXsample_component
One group like this per component can be recorded For a sample consisting of multiple components.
- NXsensor
A sensor used to monitor an external condition
- NXshape
legacy class - (used by NXgeometry) - the shape and size of a component.
- NXslit
A simple slit.
- NXsource
The neutron or x-ray storage ring/facility.
- NXsubentry
Group of multiple application definitions for “multi-modal” (e.g. SAXS/WAXS) measurements.
- NXtransformations
Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe a geometry.
- NXtranslation
legacy class - (used by NXgeometry) - general spatial location of a component.
- NXuser
Contact information for a user.
- NXvelocity_selector
A neutron velocity selector
- NXxas_mode
XAS measurement mode
- NXxraylens
An X-ray lens, typically at a synchrotron X-ray beam line.